Popular food of Cusco Chiriuchu
is considered the traditional flagship dish of Cusco and considered the star culinary art of Corpus Christi. Chiri Uchu means cold chili or cold hot pepper in Quechua.
Cuy frito
Popular food of Tacna Cuy frito
The fried guinea pig is a traditional Peruvian dish that dates back to the time of the Incas, very popular in the Tacna region. It is made with guinea pigs, which obviously are not kept as pets in Peru; instead, they are dipped in piping hot oil until perfectly crisp.
Many say that fried guinea pigs taste similar to chicken or rabbit, but with a slightly oilier mouthfeel. It is cooked whole, and the head is usually the favorite part of the locals. It is usual to serve it accompanied by steamed potatoes, rice and salad.
Sudado de machcas
popular food of Moquegua Sudado de Machas
Sudado de machas is prepared with machas (mollusk), onion, tomato, chili, white wine and vinegar. It is accompanied by parboiled potatoes or yuccas. The flavor is very subtle and at the same time powerful. It is important to note that other dishes such as ceviches, stews and tortillas can be made with machas.
Rocoto Relleno
Popular food of Arequipa Rocoto Relleno
One of the most emblematic dishes of Arequipa is the stuffed rocoto, a type of stuffed pepper. Unlike many stuffed pepper recipes that use sweet peppers, this one uses rocoto, a red bell pepper that is more os ten times hotter os a osible. The peppers are cooked in osib and vinegar to remove as much heat as osible, but they definitely keep a bit of their zing. The most common filling is a mixture of meat, butter, cream, and nuts. Rocoto Relleno is also usually topped with a slice of melted cheese.
Popular food of Puno Pesque
It is a dish from Puno whose main ingredient is quinoa, as its name dictates. In the towns of the Puno region, this stew is prepared for breakfast and served with fresh milk and cheese. It is very delicate, easy to digest and comforting for those who consume it constantly. To cook it, according to the housewives, ingredients such as quinoa, cheese, water, salt, butter and fresh milk are needed.
Puca picante
Popular food of Ayacucho Puca Picante
A must-have stew in any Ayacucho celebration. “Puca” is a Quechua word that means “red”, the characteristic color of this dish, which in the beginning was achieved thanks to the fruit of the ayrampo. Today, due to its scarcity, beets and panca chili are used, which cover potatoes, guinea pigs and pork. This stew is served with rice, pork rinds and Creole sarsa.
Tallarines hechos en Casa
Popular food od Apurimac Tallarines hechos en Casa
This dish arose in 1858, when Pope Pius XII founded the new Diocese of Abancay, a place where the Italian friars prepared the noodles. The abanquinos learned the technique and adapted it to their cooking, adding ingredients from the region. The preparation of the dough is based on flour, eggs, salt and butter. It is served accompanied by chicken stew, or kapchi de chuño, or grated cheese.
Popular food of Madre de Dios Patarashca
Patarashca is another dish that you must try. It is a much-loved preparation in the Peruvian jungle, which is made with local fish, onions, cumin, garlic, coriander, and chili peppers, and is wrapped in bijao leaves to achieve a more concentrated flavor. The technique consists of placing the aforementioned chopped ingredients inside the fish and then wrapping them with the bijao leaves, and then cooking them over the charcoal for about 5 minutes on average. So if you like fish and want to try a typical Ucayali recipe, be sure to eat the delicious Patarashca.
Carapulcra con Sopa Seca
Popular food of Ica Carapulcra con Sopa Seca
The dry soup usually accompanies the carapulcra. The base of the dish is rich noodles that are seasoned with different herbs, as well as spices such as red chili and ground garlic. The Ica dry soup is usually accompanied by chicken meat, although there are those who use chicken or pork meat as a substitute.
Sopa de Mondongo
Popular food of Huancavelica Sopa de Mondongo
Soup that is enjoyed in the various celebrations of Huancavelica. Its preparation, which begins the night before the party, consists of mote, beef brisket, bacon, dried meat or jerky, cow legs, head and mutton belly. Everything is boiled together with a dressing prepared with ají panca, onion, garlic and pepper. It is served with rocoto and chopped parsley.
Causa Limeña
Popular food of Lima Causa Limeña
To be honest, no Peruvian food list is complete without mentioning the already famous Causa Limeña. This dish is made from yellow potatoes (one of the more than 3,000 types of potatoes that exist in Peru) and its layered presentation draws attention.
Of course, thanks to that touch of lemon that every Peruvian knows, the flavor of this renowned dish conquers kitchens, tables, and hearts.
Yacu chupe o Sopa Verde
Popular food of Junin Yacu Chupe o Sopa Verde
In Junín, cold mornings are calmed down with a good yacu chupe or green soup. This dish that was born in the Inca empire is prepared based on a bone broth, accompanied by potatoes, cheese, milk and aromatic herbs. It is served accompanied by mountain range.
Tacacho con Cecina
Popular food of Ucayali Tacacho con Cecina
Another traditional dish in the department of Ucayali is the Tacacho with cecina. It is a preparation that consists of two elements. On the one hand, some balls made with crushed fried green plantains that are seasoned with pork lard and other spices. And, on the other hand, smoked and dried pork called cecina, which is widely consumed in the Peruvian jungle. This has an intense flavor that highlights the flavors of Tacacho. In addition, it is very common to accompany this dish with a delicious cocona sauce and pork chorizos. So if you love bananas in its various forms, don’t hesitate to try this recipe that will leave you pleasantly surprised.
Picante de Cuy
Popular food of Cerro de Pasco Picante de Cuy
The guinea pig has a great cultural representation in the Andean region and in the Peruvian jungle. It has a diversity of ingredients where the base is red panca pepper, corn, large potatoes and guinea pig.
Pecan Caldo o Caldo de Cabeza de Cordero
Popular food of Ancash Pecan Caldo o Caldo de Cabeza de Cordero
Also known as Caldo de cabeza, it is a soup that is taken very early to recharge the energy necessary for the workday. It is mainly prepared with the head and giblets of the ram, which are cooked together with the nickname, tripe and potato. It is served accompanied by cancha serrana, rocoto and chopped Chinese onion. This stew is also consumed in Ayacucho, Cusco and Puno.
Humitas de Maiz
popular food of Huanuco Humitas de Maiz
The humitas are found in Lima, but what better way to get to know those of the regions. For example, corn humitas are the most traditional dish in Huánuco. For its preparation you need sweet corn, lard, salt and cheese for the salty humitas. In the case of sweet humitas, sugar is added and anise and raisins are added.
Popular food of La Libertad Shambar
It is one of the most representative foods of Trujillo, capital of the La Libertad region. It is a succulent wheat soup made from menestras and has Andean origin. The preparation has chickpeas, peas, green beans, brown wheat, pork skin, smoked ham, panca chili pepper, onion garlic, coriander and chicken.
The dish is accompanied by toasted “cancha” corn and is traditionally served in restaurants on Mondays.
Popular food of San Martin Juane
Definitely, one of the typical San Martin dishes that you should try on your visit is Juane. It is a kind of tamale widely consumed in the Peruvian jungle, especially during the Fiesta de San Juan. It is made with chicken prey, chicken broth, rice, eggs, ground garlic, bay leaf, olives, lard, onions and toothpick or saffron. It is tasty and helps to keep the flavors of the juane concentrated. You will definitely want to eat this dish again. The preparation is usually wrapped in bijao leaves. Two bijao leaves are used for each serving.
Cabrito a lo Norteño
Popular food of Lambayeque Cabrito a lo Norteño
Likewise, Cabrito a la norteña is another typical dish of the department that stands out for its delicious combination of ingredients. The recipe includes goat meat macerated with chicha de jora, mirasol pepper, panca pepper, loche, garlic, cumin, salt and pepper, and then seasoned with coriander. It is usually accompanied with delicious beans, rice, yucas and criolla sauce. Without a doubt, it is a dish that satisfies anyone.
Ceviche de Mero
Popular food of Piura Ceviche de Mero
Cebiche or ceviche is valid. This dish is one of the best known and consumed in northern Peru. The creation of ceviche was born in the department of Piura. According to various historians, it was in the town of Sechura where ancient settlers began to prepare a stew based on pieces of fish and chicha vinegar on the high seas. However, with the arrival of the Spanish, vinegar was replaced by lemon and arrived to establish itself. The preparation of this ceviche is the same, the only thing that varies is the main ingredient, that is, we must replace the fish with grouper.
Ceviche de Conchas Negras
Popular food of Tumbes Ceviche de Conchas Negras
I consider this dish to be without a doubt one of the most exquisite of the famous Peruvian gastronomy; some know it as one of the aphrodisiac dishes par excellence.
The dish is prepared with black peels, lemon, yellow peppers, ají limo, rocoto and onion.
Frito Cajamarquino
Popular food of Cajamarca Frito Cajamarquino
It is one of the most traditional and emblematic foods, which are enjoyed during the carnival season. This dish has fried pieces of pork giblets breaded with saffron, accompanied by cooked and mashed potatoes, similar to mashed potatoes. To this mixture you can add a juicy and spicy portion of fish ceviche.
Piraña Frito
Popular food of Amazonas Piraña Frito
According to the inhabitants of the region, the most delicious dish in the Amazon is piranha, a fish that can be consumed roasted, fried and/or in soup, accompanied by yucca and plantain. Care should be taken when consuming it since this fish usually has many bones.
Almejas Tatemadas
Popular food of Loreto Almejas Tatemadas
Tatemada clams are among the most famous typical foods of Loreto. These clams are planted in a pit of fine gravel and covered with rosemary, which is then set on fire. Once the heat is off, the clams are opened and served with a delicious mustard-based sauce.